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Downloading AIRES and related software

Installation instructions.

System requirements
To install AIRES successfully, your system must fulfill the following requirements:
AIRES is distributed in a compressed tar file plus the External Input data files that are distributed as a second compressed tar file. Yo must download the AIRES distribution into your system, decompress and tar expand it. This can be conveniently done inside a scratch directory created for this purpose. If you need to make a full installation, that is, including the possibility of running simulations with all the hadronic models available, you must also download the External Input data distribution (300 MB), and place it in the same directory where the AIRES distribution tar file is placed (there is no need to expand this external data distribution). It is not necessary to download this distribution if you intend to install AIRES only to analyze AIRES output files generated in other systems.

After completing the previous step, you will see that a directory whose name matches the corresponding AIRES version has been created. Enter that directory, read the file AAREADME-FIRST.txt and if you agree with the conditions there stated, you can continue with the installation accordingly with the guidelines placed inside the file.

Available distributions.

These pages are maintained by
Sergio J. Sciutto
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