c c Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to c append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++ c compiler used). c c subroutine ciorinit(inilevel, codsys, vrb, irc) c c Initializing the Aires compressed i/o system for reading data. c c Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1996, 2000, 2010. c c c Arguments: c ========= c c inilevel........ (input, integer) Initialization switch. c If inilevel is zero or negative, all needed c initialization routines are called. If positive c only the cio system is initialized (The other c routines must be called within the invoking c program, before calling ciorinit: 1 = complete c cio initialization, > 1 ==> only particle c coding initialization. c codsys.......... (input, integer) Particle coding system c identification. This variable permits selecting c among several particle coding systems. The c menu of available systems is explained within c subroutine "ciosetpclecoding" (actually codsys c is passed to this routine). The default c coding system is the Aires system with decimal c nuclear coding (A + 100 * Z). The default c can be obtained setting codsys to a negative c value. c vrb............. (input, integer) Verbosity control. If vrb is c zero or negative then no error/informative c messages are printed; error conditions are c communicated to the calling program via the c return code. If vrb is positive error messages c will be printed: vrb = 1 means that messages c will be printed even with successful operations. c vrb = 2,3 means that only error messages will c be printed. vrb > 3 is similar to vrb = 3, but c with the additional action of stopping the c program if a fatal error takes place. c irc............. (output, integer) Return code. 0 means c successful return. 1 means that an invalid c particle coding system was specified by codsys c (default used). c c c<--->
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