AIRES library reference: croinputdata0.

c     Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to
c     append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++
c     compiler used).
      subroutine croinputdata0(intdata, realdata, shprimcode, shprimwt)
c     Copying into arrays input data parameters from an already read
c     compressed file header.
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1997, 1998;
c                                Fermilab 1999;
c                                La Plata 1999, 2000, 2003, 2018.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     intdata......... (output, integer, array(*)) Integer data array.
c                      The calling program must provide enough space
c                      for it. The following list describes the
c                      different data items:
c                      ( 1) Number of different primary particles.
c                      ( 2) Number of special particles defined.
c                      ( 3-4) Reserved for future use.
c                      ( 5) Primary energy distribution: 0 fixed
c                           energy; 1 varying energy.
c                      ( 6) Zenith angle distribution: 0 fixed angle;
c                           1 cos distribution; 2 sin cos distribution.
c                      ( 7) Azimuth angle distribution: 0 (10) fixed
c                           angle (geographic azimuth); 1 (11) varying
c                           angle (geographic azimuths).
c                      ( 8) Number of observing levels.
c                      ( 9) Atmospheric model label.
c                      (10) Thinning switch: 0 disabled, 1 enabled.
c                      (11-14) Reserved for future use.
c                      (15) First shower number.
c     realdata........ (output, double precision, array(*)) Real data
c                      array. The calling program must provide enough
c                      space for it. The following list describes the
c                      different data items:
c                      ( 1) Minimum primary energy (GeV).
c                      ( 2) Maximum primary energy (GeV).
c                      ( 3) Gamma of energy distribution.
c                      ( 4) Minimum zenith angle (deg).
c                      ( 5) Maximum zenith angle (deg).
c                      ( 6) Minimum azimuth angle (deg).
c                      ( 7) Maximum azimuth angle (deg).
c                      ( 8) Thinning energy parameter.
c                      ( 9) Injection altitude (m).
c                      (10) Injection depth (g/cm2).
c                      (11) Ground altitude (m).
c                      (12) Ground depth (g/cm2).
c                      (13-14) Reserved for future use.
c                      (15) Altitude of first observing level (m).
c                      (16) Depth of first observing level (g/cm2).
c                      (17) Altitude of last observing level (m).
c                      (18) Depth of last observing level (g/cm2).
c                      (19) Distance between consecutive observing
c                           levels in g/cm2.
c                      (20) Site latitude (deg).
c                      (21) Site longitude (deg).
c                      (22) Geomagnetic field strength (nT).
c                      (23) Local geomagnetic inclination (deg).
c                      (24) Local geomagnetic declination (deg).
c                      (25) Amplitude of relative fluctuation of B.
c                      (26) Event date.
c                      (27-29) Reserved for future use.
c                      (30) Minimum lateral distance used for ground
c                           particle histograms (m).
c                      (31) Maximum lateral distance used for ground
c                           particle histograms (m).
c                      (32) Minimum energy used for histograms (GeV).
c                      (33) Maximum energy used for histograms (GeV).
c                      (34-35) Reserved for future use.
c                      (36) Minimum radial distance parameter for the
c                           current compressed file (m).
c                      (37) Maximum radial distance parameter for the
c                           current compressed file (m).
c     shprimcode...... (output, integer, array(*)) For i from 1 to
c                      intdata(1), shprimcode(i) gives the
c                      corresponding primary particle code. The
c                      coding system used is the one defined when
c                      starting the cio system.
c     shprimwt........ (output, double precision, array(*)) For i from
c                      1 to intdata(1), shprimwt(i) gives the
c                      corresponding primary particle weight. This
c                      weight is 1 in the single primary case.

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Sergio J. Sciutto
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