AIRES library reference: croreccount.

c     Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to
c     append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++
c     compiler used).
      subroutine croreccount(fileid, vrb, nrtype, nrec, irc)
c     Counting the records of a compressed file starting from the
c     first non-read record.
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1997, 2010.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     fileid.......... (input, integer) Compressed file number. This
c                      parameter identifies the file to be used for
c                      reading, and is set by the file opening
c                      routine.
c     vrb............. (input, integer) Verbosity control. If vrb is
c                      zero or negative then no error/informative
c                      messages are printed; error conditions are
c                      communicated to the calling program via the
c                      return code. If vrb is positive error messages
c                      will be printed: vrb = 1 means that messages
c                      will be printed even with successful operations.
c                      vrb = 2,3 means that only error messages will
c                      be printed. vrb > 3 is similar to vrb = 3, but
c                      with the additional action of stopping the
c                      program if a fatal error takes place.
c     nrtype.......... (output, integer) The highest record type
c                      defined for the file (record types range from
c                      zero to nrtype).
c     nrec............ (output, integer, array(0:nrtype)) For each
c                      record type, the number of records found.
c                      Enough space for this array must be ensured by
c                      the calling program.
c     irc............. (output, integer) Return code. 0 means
c                      successful return.

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