c c Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to c append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++ c compiler used). c c subroutine fitghfcint(bodata0, eodata0, depths, nallch, weights, + ws, minnmax, nminratio, profint, + bodataeff, eodataeff, + nmax, xmax, x0, lambda, sqsum, irc) c c Evaluating the shower maximum parameters (Nmax, Xmax, X0, lambda) c via a constrainted four parameter fit of the available shower c data to the Gaisser-Hillas function for the profile of charged c particles (T. K. Gaisser and A. M. Hillas, in Proc. 15th ICRC c (Plovdiv), vol. 8, p. 353 (1977)): c c (Xmax - X0) c ----------- c / X - X0 \ lambda / Xmax - X \ c Nch(X) = Nmax | ----------| exp | -------- | c \ Xmax - X0 / \ lambda / c c Where: c c Nch(X) is the number of charged particles at depth X (in g/cm2). c Nmax is the maximum number of particles, Xmax is the depth of the c maximum, X0 and lambda are additional varying parameters. c c Nch(X) is zero for X <= X0. c c The constrainted fit is performed imposing that the integral of c Nch(X) with respect to X, in the range X0 to infinity is equal c to the input parameter "profint" which must be positive. c c Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1997, 1998; Fermilab 1999; c La Plata 1999, 2000; Fermilab 2003, c La Plata 2004. c c c Arguments: c ========= c c bodata0, eodata0 (input, integer) Positive integer parameters c defining the number of data points to use c in the fit. c depths.......... (input, double precision, array(eodata0)) Depths c of the observing levels used in the fit. Only c the range (bodata0:eodata0) is used. c nallch.......... (input, double precision, array(eodata0)) Number c of charged particles crossing the different c levels. Only the range (bodata0:eodata0) is c used. c weights......... (input, double precision, array(eodata0)) c Positive weights to be assigned to each one of c the data points. Only the range c (bodata0:eodata0) is used. c ws.............. (input, integer) If ws = 2, the weights are c evaluated internally (proportionally to the c square root of the number of particles). c If ws = 1 they must be provided as input data. c minnmax......... (input, double precision) Threshold value for c the maximum number of particles in the input c data set. The fit is not performed if the c maximum number of particles is below this c parameter. If minnmax is negative, it is c taken as zero. c nminratio....... (input, double precision) Positive parameter c used to determine the end of the data set. c Must be equal or greater than 5. Once the c maximum of the data set is found. the points c located after this maximum up to the point c where the number of charged particles is less c than the maximum divided nminratio. The c remaining part of the data is not taken into c account in the fit. A similar analysis is c performed with the points located before the c maximum. The recommended value is 100. A very c large value will enforce inclusion of all the c data set. c profint......... (input, double precision) Positive number c that gives as input the integral c c infty c INT Nch(X) dX c X0 c whose value is kept fixed during the c constrainted fit. c bodataeff, c eodataeff....... (output, integer) The actual range of data c points used in the fit. c nmax............ (output, double precision) Estimated number of c charged particles at the shower maximum. If no c fit was possible, then the value coming from a c direct estimation from the MC data is returned. c xmax............ (output, double precision) Fitted position of c the shower maximum (g/cm2). If no fit was c possible, then the value coming from a direct c estimation from the MC data is returned. c x0.............. (output, double precision) Fitted position of c the point where the GH function is zero. c lambda.......... (output, double precision) Fitted parameter c lambda. c sqsum........... (output, double precision) The resulting c normalized sum of squares: c c 2 c 1 N [Nch(i) - GH(i)] c sqsum = ---------- SUM ------------------- c N * Nmax i=1 GH(i) c c (N is the number of points used in the fit). c irc............. (output, integer) Return code. Zero means that c the fit was successfully completed. c c c<--->
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