AIRES library reference: getprxdatvshno.

c     Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to
c     append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++
c     compiler used).
      subroutine getprxdatvshno(opt, ndata, shno,
     +                          pcode, pegy, pzen, pazi, x1,
     +                          xmax, nmax, x0, lambda, sofsqr, frc)
c     Returning primary and Xmax related data versus shower number.
c     This rutine retrieves all the data corresponding to tables
c     5501, 5511, and 5513.
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 2003.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     opt............. (input, character*(*)) Options string. The
c                      format of the options string is the same as
c                      in the ExportTables IDL directive.
c     ndata........... (output, integer) Number of data items returned.
c                      In case of error ndata is set to zero or
c                      negative.
c     shno............ (output, integer, array(*)) Array containing the
c                      shower numbers.
c     pcode........... (output, integer, array(*)) Primary code, for
c                      each shower.
c     pegy............ (output, double precision, array(*)) Primary
c                      energy, for each shower.
c     pzen............ (output, double precision, array(*)) Primary
c                      zenith angle (deg), for each shower.
c     pazi............ (output, double precision, array(*)) Primary
c                      azimuth angle (deg), for each shower.
c     x1.............. (output, double precision, array(*)) Depth of
c                      first interaction (g/cm2), for each shower.
c     xmax............ (output, double precision, array(*)) Depth of
c                      shower maximum (g/cm2), for each shower.
c     nmax............ (output, double precision, array(*)) Number of
c                      particles at maximum (g/cm2), for each shower.
c     x0, lambda...... (output, double precision, array(*)) Remaining
c                      fitted parameters of the Gaisser-Hillas
c                      function, for each shower.
c     sofsqr.......... (output, double precision, array(*)) Normalized
c                      sum of squares of the Gaisser-Hillas function
c                      fit, for each shower.
c     frc............. (output, integer, array(*)) Return code of the
c                      Gaisser-Hillas function fit, for each shower.
c                      Zero means successful fit.

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Sergio J. Sciutto
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