c c Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to c append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++ c compiler used). c c subroutine getxmaxdata(vsl, xmaxdata, nmaxdata, nshowers) c c Returning shower maximum and related data. c c Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 2003. c c c Arguments: c ========= c c vsl............. (input, integer) Integer switch to select c between vertical (vsl = 1) and slant (vsl = 2) c depths. Any other value of vsl is equivalent to c vsl = 1. c xmaxdata........ (output, double precision, array(5)) Array c containing information about the depth of shower c maximum: c xmaxdata(1) --- Average Xmax. c xmaxdata(2) --- RMS error of the mean. c xmaxdata(3) --- Standard deviation. c xmaxdata(4) --- Minimum Xmax. c xmaxdata(5) --- Maximum Xmax. c nmaxdata........ (output, double precision, array(5)) Array c containing information about the number of c charged particles at maximum: c nmaxdata(1) --- Average Xmax. c nmaxdata(2) --- RMS error of the mean. c nmaxdata(3) --- Standard deviation. c nmaxdata(4) --- Minimum Xmax. c nmaxdata(5) --- Maximum Xmax. c nshowers........ (output, integer) Number of showers in the data c set (Showers with converged fits). If nshowers c is less or equal than 0, then the arrays c xmaxdata and nmaxdata are undefined. c c c<--->
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