AIRES library reference: idlcheck.

c     Name to use to call from C/C++: idlcheckc
      function idlcheck(idldir)
c     Checking a string to see if it matches any of the IDL
c     instructions currently defined, that is, the ones corresponding
c     to the last opened compressed file.
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1998, 1999.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     idldir.......... (input, character*(*)) The IDL directive.
c                      Abbreviations are accepted accordingly with the
c                      usual abbreviation rules.
c     Return value: (integer) If an error occurs, then the returned
c     ============  value will be negative. Other return values are the
c                   following:
c                    0 The string does not match any of the currently
c                      valid IDL instructions.
c                    1 The string matches a directive belonging to the
c                      "basic" instruction set with no parameter(s)
c                      associated with it, for example "Help".
c                    2 The string matches a directive belonging to the
c                      "basic" instruction set. If there is a parameter
c                      associated with the directive, then it can be
c                      obtained by means of routine "croinputdata0".
c                    4 The directive corresponds to a real input
c                      parameter. The parameter can be retrieved by
c                      means of function "getinpreal".
c                    6 The directive corresponds to an integer input
c                      parameter. The parameter can be retrieved by
c                      means of function "getinpint".
c                    8 The directive corresponds to a logical input
c                      parameter. The parameter can be retrieved by
c                      means of function "getinpswitch".
c                   10 The directive correspond to a string input
c                      parameter. The parameter can be retrieved by
c                      means of routine "getinpstring".

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