AIRES library reference: olcoord.

c     Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to
c     append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++
c     compiler used).
      subroutine olcoord(nobslev, olzv, groundz, injz, zenith, azimuth,
     +                   xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, tshift, mx, my, irc)
c     Calculating (xo, yo, zo), coordinates of the intersections of
c     observing level surfaces with the shower axis, the corresponding
c     time shifts and the coefficients (mx, my) of the plane tangent to
c     the surface at the intersection point:
c                 z - zo = mx (x - xo) + my (y - yo)
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1997.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     nobslev......... (input, integer) The number of observing
c                      levels.
c     olzv............ (input, double precision, array(nobslev))
c                      Altitudes (m) of the corresponding observing
c                      levels.
c     groundz......... (input, double precision) Ground altitude (m).
c     injz............ (input, double precision) Injection altitude
c                      (m).
c     zenith.......... (input, double precision) Zenith angle (deg).
c     azimuth......... (input, double precision) Azimuth angle (deg).
c     xaxis, yaxis,
c     zaxis........... (output, double precision, array(nobslev))
c                      (xo, yo, zo) coordinates (m) of the intersection
c                      points between the observing level surfaces and
c                      the shower axis.
c     tshift.......... (output, double precision, array(nobslev))
c                      Observing levels time shifts (ns), that is,
c                      the amount of time a light speed particle
c                      needs to go from the injection point to
c                      the intersection point (xo, yo, zo).
c     mx, my.......... (output, double precision, array(nobslev))
c                      Coefficients of the planes tangent to the
c                      observing levels, passing by the corresponding
c                      intersection points.
c     irc............. (output, integer) Return code. Zero means
c                      successful return.

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