c c Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to c append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++ c compiler used). c c subroutine olv2slant(nobslev, olxv, x0, zendis, zen1, zen2, + zcground, olxs) c c Evaluating the slant depth of a set of observing levels. The slant c depths are calculated along an axis starting at altitude zcground, c for the "segment" that ends at vertical depth x0 (x0 = 0 is the c top of the atmosphere). The integer variable "zendis" allows to c select among fixed, sin and sin-cos zenith angle distributions. c c Written by: S. J. Sciutto, Fermilab 1999. c c c Arguments: c ========= c c nobslev......... (input, integer) The number of observing c levels. c olxv............ (input, double precision, array(nobslev)) c Vertical depths (g/cm^2) of the corresponding c observing levels. c x0.............. (input, double precision) Vertical depth of c the paths' end points (g/cm2). If x0 is zero c then the paths are evaluated up to the top of c the atmosphere. c zendis.......... (input, integer) Zenith angle distribution c switch: 0 - fixed zenith angle, 1 - sin c distribution, 2 - sin cos distribution. c zen1, zen2...... (input, double precision) Minimum and maximum c zenith angles (degrees). If zendis is 0, then c zen2 is not used and zen1 gives the c corresponding fixed zenith angle. c zcground........ (input, double precision) Central altitude of c the ground level, which defines the intersection c between the slanted axis and the z-axis. c olxv............ (output, double precision, array(nobslev)) c Slant depths (g/cm^2) of the corresponding c observing levels. c c c<--->
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