c c Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to c append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++ c compiler used). c c subroutine pclecodefromname(pname, pcode, irc) c c Obtaining the AIRES particle code given its name. c c Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 2019. c c c Arguments: c ========= c c pname........... (input, character*(*)) Particle name, or a c numeric string with a valid AIRES particle code. c pcode........... (output, integer) AIRES particle code, or 0 in c case of a missing or invalid name. c irc............. (output, integer) Return code. 0 means that a c valid particle/nucleus was specified and c processed. c 1 means that the particle/nucleus specification c was incomplete and some default values were c provided. c 2 means that a "special" (escape) particle code c was specified. c 3 means that a valid group of particles was c specified and processed. c 8 means that no particle/group was specified. c 9 means that and invalid particle/group c specification was processed. c 12 means that an invalid or out of range c numeric string specification was processed. c c c c<--->
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