AIRES library reference: spaddpn.

c     Routine directly callable from C/C++ (it could be necessary to
c     append an underscore, "_", to its name depending on the C/C++
c     compiler used).
      subroutine spaddpn(n, pcode, pener, csys, ldu, uxyz, pwt, irc)
c     Adding a set of n primary particles.
c     Written by: S. J. Sciutto, La Plata 1999, 2011.
c     Arguments:
c     =========
c     n............... (input, integer) The number of primary particles
c                      to add.
c     pcode........... (input, integer, array(n)) Particle codes (AIRES
c                      coding system).
c     pener........... (input, double precision, array(n)) Particle
c                      kinetic energies (GeV).
c     csys............ (input, integer) Parameter labelling the
c                      coordinate system used. 0 = AIRES coordinate
c                      system. 1 = Injection point-shower axis system.
c     ldu............. (input, integer) Leading dimension of array
c                      uxyz.
c     uxyz............ (input-output, double precision, array(ldu, n))
c                      Direction of motion of the respective primaries,
c                      with respect to the coordinate system selected
c                      by csys. The vectors uxyz(j, i), j = 1, 2, 3, do
c                      not need to be normalized. This array will
c                      be modified internally (normalization, and
c                      eventually coordinate transformation).
c     pwt............. (input, double precision) Weight of particles.
c                      Must be equal or greater than one.
c     irc............. (output, integer) Return code. 0 means normal
c                      return.

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